Blue Lyra Press LLC

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Blue Lyra Review announces four contests:

The Blue Lyra Longish Poem Prize, 2-6 pages, one poem or strongly linked smaller poems. Judge: Andrew McFayden-Ketchum, author of Ghost Gear. Prize: $100 per category. $9 per entry, $15 with anthology. May 1 – June 30.

The Living Earth Creative Nonfiction Prize, must be about nature, 5000 word max. Judge: Sharman Apt Russell, author of Standing in the Light: My Life as a Panthiest and Diary of a Citizen Scientist. Prize: $100 per category. $9 per entry, $15 with anthology. May 1 – June 30.

Blue Lyra Flash Fiction Prize, 1000 word max. Judge: Stefanie Freele, author of Surrounded by Water. Prize: $100 per category. $9/3 flash stories, $15 with anthology. July 1 – Aug 31.

Blue Lyra Poetry Prize, 65 line max. Judge: Katherine E. Young, author of Day of the Border Guards. Prize: $100 per category. $9/3 poems, $15 with anthology. July 1 – Aug 31.

Blue Lyra Press LLC